Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Will You Be My Friend?

Who doesn't love Girl Scout cookies? Nobody, that's who! Now, Girl Scout cookies are a little out of season over here, meaning my pantry is void of any, but that didn't stop the wheels in my mind from spinning late into the night coming up with my newest cupcake concoction! THIN MINT cupcakes! (Grasshopper cupcakes if you use the Keebler brand like I did).

This last weekend we were invited to a block party held in out new neighborhood in Hyrum. We haven't closed on our house yet but our neighbors were nice enough to invite us out to get to know them. All week I was concerned that I might offend everyone with one sentence (on accident of course!) So I came up with the great idea to make cupcakes to bring to the party. Cupcakes = Friends, right?!?

This cupcakes starts with a .... you guessed it, a Devil's food cake box mix. Follow the box instructions remembering to follow high-altitude instructions if necessary. Before scooping into pans I added crushed thin mint cookies. Delicious!! Then Bake as directed.
For the Frosting
1 lb (1/2 bag) powdered sugar
2/3 c. shortening
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4c. milk
1/2 cup cocoa... give or take depending on preference

I left out a small amount of frosting to not add cocoa too. I then added green food coloring to pipe the little flowers on the tops of the cookies.

Stir in more crushed cookies to frosting.

Pipe on Frosting. Sprinkle with more cookie crumbs and top with actual thin mint cookie.

I have also been wanting to try my S'MORE CUPCAKES again. This time I made them MINI! I made a few changes as well. Instead of pouring chocolate syrup over the cupcakes after taking them from the oven, I decide to make them frosting filled! Delicious. I used the same recipe as above, omitting the cookie crumbs. I also decided to used crumbled Teddy Grahams instead of Graham Crackers. They have a better texture. Since the cupcakes were mini I only placed one mini marshmallow on top. I did not have my sisters Creme' Brulee torch this time so I just used my lighter. Classy, huh? It worked.

These little babies were surprisingly filling, and not too much trouble to make.

Well, I'm not sure about the impression I made at the party, but everyone there seemed terribly nice and wonderful; the kind of people I'd like to make cupcakes for again... That is if they ever invite us to something again. I have a feeling they will though.
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  1. haha, I'm sure you guys would have made an amazing impression - cupcakes or none. Granted, sweet goodness from your kitchen is always an added perk :P

  2. Watch out. Karin is at it again! Looks delicious of course! BTW, yes I knew we were so close and I almost called you. We were only there for 24 hours and it was a litte crazy. Sorry! I did think of you though. Does that count???

  3. you, my friend, do not need cupcakes to make friends... oh wait... you might... I am now remembering the watermelon cake. Good call! Always take a baked good! Just kidding! I hope you met some wonderful people to soon call friends!
