Thursday, August 23, 2012

Spring into Summer

It happened again. The world turned green again and things began to grow. The snow on our mountains even melted, eventually!

Hyrum has turned out to be a beautiful place to live in the summer. Ryan likes to bring the beauty indoors. I don't mind one bit.

I supposed if we spent every spare moment we had out in the yard, there would still be more to do.

So here is a quick overview of how our summer started out. The eclipse was a great way to kick things off. Can you see the images of the sun in shadow on Ryan?

We loved that we could spend our Memorial Day visiting the gravesides of so many ancestors. We visited 4 cemeteries all within 20 minutes of our home. It was a pretty great experience.It was really great to meet up with my Grandparents in Brigham City.

We also visited several of Ryan's family plots. Including the graveside of one woman who came across the planes with The Martin Handcart Company. (Jane Fullmer I believe).

We also celebrated Joshy's BIRTHDAY! He had a couple of little friends come over for a snack and to play for minute. 

He makes such a cute 3 year old BIG BOY!

Such a happy day, how could it not be!?! Thanks for the Pirate Tent Grandma!

A few days later Ryan had a little (by little I mean BIG) surprise for me. On our 10th Anniversary he made this amazing breakfast for us out on the porch. We LOVE going to bed and breakfasts, but it didn't look like we were going to make it to one, so Ryan brought the B&B to us. Yum, yum, yum! It was so tasty!

Then a few days later he had another BIG surprise for me. I was told to pack a bag. When I asked what kind he blew me away by informing me to pack an overnight bag!!!
We dropped the kiddos off with some amazing friends and headed up to BEAR LAKE.

We hiked through the Minnetonka Cave, and Paddle Boarded on Bear Lake.

  And would you believe it? Ryan booked us a Bed and Breakfast! The Blue Bird Inn on the North West shore of Bear Lake.

The next day we visited the North Beach. The water was like ICE, but I loved looking at the rocks and shells in the sand.

If a picture says a thousand words, then is a picture of words worth a million words? I don't know, but I sure love my Ryan boy.
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1 comment:

  1. So glad to finally see pictures of your amazing anniversary adventures! You guys are so cute!
